

Priča o slobodi

Ima jedan prozor. Na tom prozoru postoji pukotina sa unutrašnje strane. Muve koje prođu kroz tu pukotinu bivaju zarobljene unutuar duplog stakla. One provode dane pokušavajući izaći na slobodu kroz spoljašnje staklo. U toj potrazi najčešće umiru od gladi, spržene suncem. Sve muve koje umru na spoljašnjem staklu padaju mrtve unutar prozora na ram između dva stakla. One ostaju zarobljene čak i kada umru. Veoma retko se dešava da muva umre na unutrašnjem staklu, tako da tokom pada nailazi na pukotinu kroz koju je ušla i kroz nju pada mrtva na slobodu.

There is a window. On that window, there is a crack. Flies that enter through the crack, become trapped inside the double glass.They spend their days trying to reach freedom through outter glass. In that quest they mostly die of hunger. All flies that die on second glass towards out, falling dead at the frame between two glasses. They remain trapped, even when they are dead. It rarely happens that fly dies on the inner glass, and then during its fall it comes to the crack through which it entered and finally passes through it, dead, into the freedom.